5 hot topics in 2015

Opencity Inc., top posts, hot topics, social responsibility, inbound marketing, strategy & digital communication experts, scorecard

For those who know me best, it will not be a surprise that I always write New Year’s resolutions before the start of the next year!

These resolutions are really a set of guiding principles or an opportunity to re-set your intent. I have always believed goal setting is very motivating.

While you may not care what my 2015 New Year’s resolutions were, what I learned in the process may offer some insights. Importantly, they also guide our expectations for 2016.

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Med Tech health outcome models

Opencity Inc., Med Tech, health outcome models, Diligent, cultural change,

McKinsey&Company report $44 billion in beyond-the-product solutions in the US alone. Here we explore how multi-national Med Tech corporations can develop health outcome models. Much of the success lies in creating sustainable cultural change owned by the healthcare system.

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