Five years hacking Opencity

Opencity Inc. | Strategy & Digital Communications, @gregiej, Opencity Limited, healthcare, wound care, social responsibility, inbound marketing, health care, Med Tech, medtech, Strategy and Digital Communications, hacking Opencity

Five years of hacking Opencity has revealed many new lessons around innovation, change management and project management. 

Life is a journey where the last five years have been packed with meeting many smart people, learning new things and self-reflection. 

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Video means business

INBOUND18, HubSpot, Video means business, gregiej, Opencity Inc.

Video means business. We heard from the INBOUND stage how video is becoming the king of content.

The importance of video has been a consistent message from the stage at INBOUND. The launch of HubSpot Video powered by Vidyard is an inflexion point. Tyler Lessard from Vidyard declared that Video means business. You are not too late to start. Video is still emerging and predicted to be the majority of internet traffic within the next few years. There are still some key opportunities. I have adopted adding video to my email signature.

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What does your About Us page say about your brand?

About Us page, Opencity Inc, Tanja Heffner, Unsplash

An About Us page is often-times one of the default pages in a website navigation and perceived necessity when creating a new website.

So let me ask when you last updated it? Does it help your visitors to gain a realistic appreciation of who you are, what makes you tick and why they should trust your brand? Or does your About Us page looked like a neglected after-thought?

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New Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Program emerges from DISC

Digital Marketing Appreticeship program, Digital Trades School , Opencity Inc, experiential learning

The new Digital Marketing Apprenticeship program has emerged from the successful Digital Innovation Skills Certificate (DISC). The new program run by the Digital Trades School in Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton and Windsor, builds upon the DISC program foundation.

DISC provided a foundational blueprint for future career-ready training in Ontario. 98% of the young people enrolled in the program secured jobs as a consequence of the experiential training. Here we explore the new 7-month apprenticeship certificate.

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Video content curation | When good is good enough

Video content curation in 20-minutes, @gregiej,INBOUND18, HUG

Video remains an important part of a good content strategy. Here we explore video content curation that is good enough.

The importance of video has been a consistent message from the stage at INBOUND. We are sure that HubSpot is working away looking at how video applies to each stage of the inbound funnel. As a speaker at INBOUND18 in September, we look at the absolute fundamentals of creating your own authentic video with the tools you already have to hand. Finally, we recommend the latest 2018 Video in Business Benchmark Report released by Vidyard.

John Gregory appearing at #INBOUND2018 - video curation in 20 mins

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5 reasons why GDPR is good news

GDPR - 5 reasons why GDPR is good news

The introduction of GDPR should not have escaped you. GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and comes into full effect on May 25, 2018. It has worldwide implications. While GDPR may not apply to your exact country, it has set a new benchmark standard that we should all adopt.

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How to get started with your small business blog


We have all read blogs and wondered whether we could do that. But, if the concept of starting your small business blog terrifies you then here are some simple ways to get started.

Learn the experience of small business owners at the Waterloo Regional Small Business Centre – Blogging Made Easy workshop. Then download the four simple exercises to practice yourself.

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Growth and scale for startups at the first Communitech HubSpot workshop

Startup, Waterloo Region, Communitech, Opencity Inc, Medtech, @gregiej

According to HubSpot, starting a business is easier than ever, while scaling one is harder than ever.

This is strong advice from the drivers behind the inbound movement for the 2,299 startups in the Waterloo Region. HubSpot ran its first workshop at one of the regions foremost incubators, Communitech.
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Listening for a Living

listening, customer, advocacy, nps, OpencityInc, Bambora

CBC noted that this should be a year of listening. We think this can prompt us to shift from talking at customers and adopts the approach of the inbound methodology. Here we explore.

“Listening, after all, is an act of love.”

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Digital conversion for new businesses

conversion, digital conversion, inbound, convert, Futurpreneur, gregiej, Opencity Inc.

Pondering how to increase your website conversion rate is positive. You are asking the right question. In this post, we guide you on some core fundamentals to improve your conversion rate.

We appreciate that talk of digital conversion, landing pages, and the inbound methodology may represent a new vocabulary. Let us help you.

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