True North Hackathon tackle​s Social Isolation

Social Isolation, True North, Hacking Health, Hackathon

The concept of hacking in healthcare provides extraordinary possibilities. Diverse groups can co-create tangible health innovations that bring value to the front-line care of people.

We encourage you to participate in this first dual-city hackathon, run by Hacking Health in Waterloo and Ottawa, in conjunction with the True North conference. There a group of eclectic, bright minds will tackle how we can address Social Isolation, Aging and Technology.

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International Student Experience​ – #SLCcommunityhacks

International Experience, Brockville, St Lawrence College, Ontario, Social Hackathon

Canada ranks fourth as a destination for international students. The three-day campus International Experience roadshow built upon the work of the Social Hackathon at St. Lawrence College.

Here we explore the three-day roadshow that set out to hack ways to improve the international student experience.

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Cooperathon arrives in KW for aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs

Cooperathon, Desjardins, hacking, opencityinc,

Cooperathon is the latest in the growing hacking trend to arrive in Kitchener-Waterloo. The recent interest in Hack the North, Hack 4 Health and Cooperathon prove the mounting interest in this agile, design thinking approach and collaborative problem-solving.

Here we explore the nuances of Cooperathon imagined and produced by Desjardins that runs September 28 until November 1.

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New Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Program emerges from DISC

Digital Marketing Appreticeship program, Digital Trades School , Opencity Inc, experiential learning

The new Digital Marketing Apprenticeship program has emerged from the successful Digital Innovation Skills Certificate (DISC). The new program run by the Digital Trades School in Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton and Windsor, builds upon the DISC program foundation.

DISC provided a foundational blueprint for future career-ready training in Ontario. 98% of the young people enrolled in the program secured jobs as a consequence of the experiential training. Here we explore the new 7-month apprenticeship certificate.

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Lightning in a bottle | What True North means for Waterloo Region


ONE may not be a familiar acronym to many, explaining why the expert review panel suggests renaming it as Innovation Ontario. Here we explore the intersection of the strands of tech debate and activities in the Toronto-Kitchener-Waterloo corridor. There is a spirit of optimism with Toronto Health Innovation Week, True North and Velocity 10-year anniversary, yet both the Building Global Winners report and the poignant book How We Can Win point squarely to the paramount need to gain global reach.

Steven Woods, Senior Director Engineering at Google Canada described “What we have, up here in the North, is lightning in a bottle.” He said that Google “recognized there was something special happening up here – the entrepreneurialism, the quality of higher education and the loyalty of the talented engineers who just want to do good work.” In the 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem ranking the newly combined Toronto-Waterloo corridor entity ranked 16th. The Region of Waterloo tech sector employes 30,000 people.

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Digital conversion for new businesses

conversion, digital conversion, inbound, convert, Futurpreneur, gregiej, Opencity Inc.

Pondering how to increase your website conversion rate is positive. You are asking the right question. In this post, we guide you on some core fundamentals to improve your conversion rate.

We appreciate that talk of digital conversion, landing pages, and the inbound methodology may represent a new vocabulary. Let us help you.

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