Milton Transitional Housing
Welcome to episode 1 of our new podcast. Why you ask. Why not I counter. The 50 Charity Spotlight blog features so far have led to some inspiring conversations, and we are so in awe of the incredible work done by so many charities. This new podcast series allows us to delve back into some of those charities again to hear an update.
We start close to home with the Coldest Night of the Year Walk across Canada. Listen to my wonderful interview with Scott Brush from Ray of Hope and Brian Carney from Blue Sea Philanthropy. This interview is much more than just talking about the upcoming event. We learn much more about the fundamental issues they are others are facing and how an unexpected family of charities supporting one another has evolved.
Continue reading New podcast – Episode 1 – Charity Spotlight podcast
In place of our usual Charity Spotlight here is my edited Medium post challenging whether we can actually have too many charities. This applies to nonprofits supporting homelessness and disease areas in either one country or indeed worldwide.
It seems to me that we should be striving for collaboration.
Continue reading Too many Empty Bowls
A special Coldest Night of the Year Charity Spotlight in honour of Feb 20 #cnoy16 walk across 92 Canadian communities in support of homelessness.
Continue reading Charity Spotlight – Coldest Night of the Year
Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful illustration of those at risk of poverty, the wider community, non-profit and for-profit sectors collaborating together.
Habitat for Humanity has expanded substantially from its roots in Georgia, USA, in 1976. It has become a worldwide recognized non-profit driving force both in providing much needed support one family at a time, while also advocating strongly for those at risk of homelessness. In 2011, Habitat for Humanity Canada completed its 2,000th home and has now helped 2,700 families. You can read the last Habitat for Humanity Canada Progress Report here.
Continue reading Charity spotlight – Habitat for Humanity
The Blue Sea Philanthropy model appears quite remarkable to me. A why did I not think of that type brilliant idea.
The Blue Sea Philanthropy website captures this essence
“Blue Sea Philanthropy is a registered Canadian charity that exists to help other charities thrive financially by providing easy access to profitable turn-key fundraising events and services.”
Continue reading Charity Spotlight – Blue Sea Philanthropy
Given that I was one of the founders of Milton Transitional Housing it would seem remiss not for me to include this once early on. It may also help create the context for why I talk about acting with conscience and social responsibility.
In this Opencity Inc website there are also various references to pictures of homelessness and Milton Transitional Housing, including a previous post on a new type of social responsibility. I am honoured to have been part of getting this going through the Homeless in Milton Ontario blog I started in 2008 and which has now had 30,000 views.
Continue reading Charity spotlight – Milton Transitional Housing