True North Hackathon tackle​s Social Isolation

Social Isolation, True North, Hacking Health, Hackathon

The concept of hacking in healthcare provides extraordinary possibilities. Diverse groups can co-create tangible health innovations that bring value to the front-line care of people.

We encourage you to participate in this first dual-city hackathon, run by Hacking Health in Waterloo and Ottawa, in conjunction with the True North conference. There a group of eclectic, bright minds will tackle how we can address Social Isolation, Aging and Technology.

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Aging Health National Ideathon prize

aging health, ideation, hacking health, AGEWELL,MaRS

Growing old is crap. A new collaboration between AGE-WELL and Hacking Health seeks to bring new energy to challenge our aging health.

Dr. Alex Mihailidis, Scientific Director at AGE-WELL introduced the joint ideathon with Hacking Health, where teams could win $75,000 of prizes to advance their solutions.

“It is no secret that our population is aging. And the challenge is the same everywhere: To help people maintain quality of life, dignity and indepence as they get older,” describes Dr. Mihailidis.

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