Converging strands in the future of health outcomes

Opencity Inc., converging strands, future of health outcomes

A shift towards health outcomes from care delivery is becoming a movement. Our ongoing research into health outcome models has navigated us through converging strands about the future of health outcomes.

This post directs you to that further reading; a book, podcasts, and websites.

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Hacking Health Waterloo cafe

Opencity Inc., John Gregory, Hacking Health Waterloo cafe, Health Outcome Models, healthcare acquired conditions, Med Tech, medtech, @gregiej

Data integrity is paramount to the success of health outcome measurement programs. A motivating experience to be one of the speakers at Hacking Health Waterloo cafe 6.

Again such an eclectic mix of intelligent, passionate professionals trying to solve healthcare challenges. Here are the promised links to the resources and references.

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Value-based health care – ICHOM

Opencity Inc., Med Tech, health outcome models, Diligent, cultural change,

Continuing our series of posts on health outcome models and value in measuring healthcare we explore the work led by the International Consortium on Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM).

“The best way to avoid health care cost is not to do stuff that doesn’t work”, says Caleb Stowell, ICHOM

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Modelling the value of healthcare outcomes

Opencity inc Modelling the value of healthcare outcomes

Continuing my LinkedIn Pulse posts on Value in Healthcare and Business Model Innovation here is my latest thinking drawing these together in discussing healthcare outcomes.

In case you missed the recent McKinsey&Company article Improving healthcare while curbing cost: Med-Tech companies offer a solution. Whilst potentially directed at the executive leadership with the healthcare system it clearly points to the timely opportunity for Med Tech businesses to engage in a new type of executive conversation with their customers about what truly matters to them – measurable healthcare outcomes. The piece is timely, relevant and authoritative. McKinsey suggests the opportunity for beyond-the-product solutions in the US alone could be as great as $44 billion (USD).

Follow the link here to the October 2015 McKinsey& Company article.

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