Content is King. The Big Issue has remarkable content such that I would buy a copy for that fact alone over other magazines and papers. The Big Issue of course is so much more worthy than that accolade alone.
It is clear to see why editor Paul NcNamee is award winning and his editorial is always relevant and worthy of reflection. I have met many wonderful vendors, who I truly admire for getting out there. They are friendly and they are making a difference to their own lives and that of the community they serve. One vendor appreciating that his business customers in London rarely carried cash was innovative enough to broker a card payment scheme on his phone to accept card payments. So entrepreneurial.
The Big Issue started back in 1991. John Bird MBE, now Baron Bird, of Notting Hill in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea was the one of the founders and is still Editor-in Chief. The Big Issue magazine is just one of a now much larger social responsibility organisation. The Big Issue Foundation was established in 1995 and then Big Issue Invest in 2001. While the origins of The Big Issue are in the UK it has expanded overseas to more than 120 countries.
My claim to fame is that my tweets have occasionally appeared in the printed issue! I did try the iPad app version while travelling but it is just not the same for so many reasons. I actively seek out the paper version from these amazing vendors.
We are all the more cognisant of those at risk of homelessness in this festive season. I encourage you to support The Big Issue and the vendors they help in any way you can. You will not be disappointed to read your first copy of the weekly magazine. The Big London Night Walk takes place on Friday 11th March 2016.
Register for The Big London Night Walk 2016 here
Opencity Inc. thinks giving a spotlight to charities is important and one way we can be socially responsible.