Charity Spotlights revisited

Opencity Inc., Christian Children's Fund of Canada, CCFC, Charity Spotlight, social responsibility

Happy Easter. Opencity Inc. think giving a spotlight to charities is important and one way we can be socially responsible.

Here is a round-up of the charity spotlights we have featured in the last few months.

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Charity Spotlight – BMS World Mission

Opencity Inc., BMS World Mission, Uganda, charity spotlight, social responsibility

BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organization, working in around 35 countries on four continents .

This week Feb 14-20 is a special focus on Albania, where teams are playing a part in transforming lives in this central European country. My sister, who is the minister at Forest Row Baptist Church in East Sussex (UK), will soon be heading to Tirana in Albania with Tek Ura.

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