Charity Spotlight – Mental Health Foundation

Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week, Opencity Inc, Charity Spotlight

The Mental Health Foundation believes that the social challenge of our time is to reverse the growing level of mental ill health. Mental Health Awareness Week runs May 8-14 #MHAW17

The Mental Health Foundation is the UK’s charity for everyone’s mental health. One in six people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem.

I’m fine

A study of 2,000 adults they commissioned found that the average adult will say ‘I’m fine’ 14 times a week, though just 19% really mean it.

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Mental Health Awareness Week #MHAW17

Cal Strode, Mental Health Foundation said, “Good mental health is more than the absence of a mental health problem. That’s why this Mental Health Awareness Week, 8-14 May 2017, we are going to look at mental health from a new angle. Rather than ask why so many people are living with mental health problems, we will seek to uncover why too few of us are thriving with good mental health. With people struggling to cope with the demands of life and stuck on getting through the day.”

Mental Health Foundation, UK

“Every year, our work in mental health changes thousands of people’s lives. We can do that because of the generosity and kindness of our supporters. There is so much we can be done. Together we are tackling one of the defining challenges of our time for this generation and the next,” Jenny Edwards CBE, Chief Executive MHF.

Mental Health Foundation UK, mental health awareness week, charity spotlight,

You can follow the Mental Health Foundation on YouTube as well as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Their responsive, secure website provides great resources and ways in which you can support their work.


“Join us on 8-14 May. You can help us ignite a national conversation about whether we are surviving or thriving and what we can do to bring about change.”

We thank Fiona Dalton for nominating the Mental Health Foundation.

Opencity Inc. thinks giving a spotlight to charities is important and one way we can be socially responsible

Photographs courtesy of Mental Health Foundation