Charity Spotlight – Massey Centre | Toronto

Massey Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Charity Spotlight, Opencity Inc,

Massey Centre has a deep history that in earlier decades found less social acceptance than is now the case.

The Massey family name equally has a deep resonance in Toronto, yet, much of the populace has no knowledge of Massey Centre’s commitment to its citizens. The original Mission opened in the early 1900s to support unwed, pregnant women, single mothers, and their babies. Today, Massey Centre’s vision has evolved to be Toronto’s leading provider of infant and early childhood mental health services.

This Centre provides young woman between 13 and 25 years old at their most vulnerable; pregnant, parenting, homeless and with little or no support. The empathy and support of the Massey Centre make an incredible difference to the 2,500 young moms, babies, children, and caregivers they support each year.

New Lives Start Here

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“Our society stigmatizes adolescent teens causing them unnecessary stress that contributes to adverse outcomes. Massey Centre provides wrap around supports that helps to alleviate this stress and help the young parent/baby dyad to achieve positive mental health and educational outcomes,” said charismatic CEO, Ekua Asabea Blair.

A centre for second chances

In Ekua Asabea Blair’s CBC Radio 1 interview with Matt Galloway, I was struck by the young mother who first came to seek help from the Massey Centre 15 years ago before later becoming one of its employees and advocates.

“Massey Centre seeks to change the education and health outcomes for the pregnant and parenting adolescents and their babies by providing educational, transitional and mental health support when they need it the most,” she adds.

Massey Centre, Charity Spotlight, Toronto

Simple ways you can support Massey Centre

It is estimated that there are 300 homeless young moms in Toronto. They all deserve a second chance.

  1. Watch this New Lives Start Here YouTube video
  2. Listen to this Metro Morning interview
  3. Watch the Global News Toronto – Making a Difference
  4. Tell someone else about the work the Centre does
  5. Read the Annual Report
  6. Follow them on Facebook & Twitter and share their posts


Massey Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Charity Spotlight, Opencity Inc,

We look forward to visiting the Centre and helping them gain the awareness amongst Torontonians that modern society owes.

Opencity Inc. thinks giving a spotlight to charities is important and one way we can be socially responsible.

Photographs courtesy of Massey Centre